Issue Position: Endless War

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2018
Issues: Defense

We hurt out military's purpose, defense, and our soldiers by using them for political adventurism. There certainly are many issue around the world from dictators to serious threats. We have overextended our military to the point of damaging our economy. Overspending will surely damage our country as any direct military action.

Blowback is a serious issue. We cannot stop threats if we are perpetually making new ones.

It is time to say no to warhawks of both old parties. It is time to stop letting the media encourage military overuse simply because it helps their ratings. This is not a game. It is the lives of our servicemen and servicewomen. We are simply not taking that seriously.

Often funding for military materials has more to do with bringing money to constituencies than any real need for our country. Our government does not exist to fund companies. A military industrial complex should not serve the rich at the expense of the taxpayers and soldiers. Wars are not games.

Wars must be declared. No more loose presidential powers. If our congress is not prepared to state what its fighting goals are openly and honestly then we should not be engaged.
